Monday 19 January 2009

The Future...

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

I am excited about the future, it's out there and in a few short months I will have finished university and my life will be spread out before me waiting to be filled. At the moment I am very busy with various things from university, to volunteering and everything in between.

If you added up the amount of volunteering that I've done in the last 5 years then that would be a lot of hours, so many that it makes my head hurt to think about it.

Bully Free Zone has been a huge part of my life and a has had a major role in helping me to get to where I am today. When I first joined I was shy, lacking confidence and I had no idea where my life was going to lead. Now I still have shy moments, but my confidence is increased probably tenfold and I know that I want to work with young people. I have learnt so much and I have been given so many experiences that I didn't think would be possible, but that have helped me to progress in life.

So here is the start of my blog, one of many blogs that I have tried to start over the years and hopefully the most successful. I will keep track of my volunteering and probably some other random aspects of my life.

I hope you (whoever is reading) continue to follow my journey as I spend my time volunteering, graduate university and hopefully spend my summer in a US summer camp.

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